Unhinged Psycho Commissioner Juli Casale Goes Nuts On A Voter By Screaming At Her Like A Drunk Joan Crawford
Well, we can’t say we didn’t warn Delray Beach voters about psycho Commissioner Juli Casale. We have repeatedly. We have been warning Delray Beach about this crazy bitch for nearly 2 years. Of course, you scoffed at Delray Beach Confidential and blew us off.
Former financial fraudster and ferret murderer Gregg Weiss and the political elites even told people that we, “lacked credibility.”
Now, Weiss is using the same information he claimed “lacked credibility” to attack Casale in her re-election bid.
Ironically, Weiss openly helped and supported Casale in her 2020 election bid to the City Commission.
In other words, Delray Beach wouldn’t be in this mess if wasn’t for attention whores like Weiss who seem to suffer from Jan Brady Syndrome.
But, Gregg Weiss and his shenanigans are whole story in itself. Yes, we are working on a Gregg Weiss article for Delray Beach Confidential. We should have it posted after the election.
Psycho Commissioner Juli Casale Has Another Joan Crawford Nutso Moment
As any elected official will tell you, door knocking is essential to any successful campaign. People want you to ask them for their vote.
However, it appears Juli Casale never got the memo. Forget the fact that is painfully obvious Casale never took a Dale Carnegie course. Door knocking it’s just simple common sense and salesmanship 101. Something Casale should already know. After all, she claimed she owned a multi-million dollar business. Even if this is a made up claim like her Harvard degree, she did manage to get elected. So, she should know the basics of how to win friends and influence people.
Casale doesn’t seem to grasp you don’t win support by yelling and screaming at your constituents. Something she has a history of doing.
Yesterday was no exception. Casale went off on a senior citizen supporting her opponent while door knocking.
The psycho commissioner was campaigning in a FHA subsidized senior apartment building off Lindell Blvd. when she saw a sign in the window her opponent, Rob Long. Instead of ignoring it and moving on to the next door like any sane candidate would do, Casale began pounding on the door like a PBSO deputy trying serve a warrant. Thus, startling a frightened Lisa Hagan.
As soon as Hagan opened the door, Casale began going Joan Crawford on her. Hagan politely asked Casale to leave. But, Hagan’s rejection didn’t deter Casale. She came back for multiple encores of her Joan Crawford impersonation. Finally, Hagan had to threaten to call the Delray Beach Police to get Casale to leave.
Hagan posted her version of the story on the Facebook Group Delray Beach Community Forum.
Is Juli Casale Mentally Fit For Public Office?
Read Our Collection Of Articles About Psycho Commissioner Juli Casale:
Juli Casale Can’t Name A Single Accomplishment As Commissioner
Pride and Prejudice: Casale Turns Her Back On The LGBTQIA Community
Juli Casale Tales: Was Juli Casale A Former Stripper And Absentee Mom?
Did Delray Beach Commissioner Juli Casale Attend Harvard?
Juli Casale’s Trailer Fire Exposes The Secret Life Of Juli Casale
Deadbeat Commissioner Juli Casale Sued For Stiffing Insurance Adjuster
Did Commissioner Juli Casale Lie To The Ethics Commission?
Is Juli Casale Mentally Fit To Hold Public Office?
[…] Beach Confidential, Winebox Kelly Barrette has allegedly had a falling out with former Commissioner Juli Casale. Casale lost her re-election in March to Rob […]
[…] in public. However, Chard’s behavior is nothing like the typical drunken craziness from Juli Casale or Winebox Kelly […]